Mac's Cheese Spreads of Lexington, Kentucky had an excellent lineup of flavors. The problem was that they were creating a completely new label design for each product. This lack of consistency diminished their overall brand strength, as cheese containers sitting next to each other on a store shelf might look like they were from two different companies. 
Owner Cheryl McDaniel hired me to give her business a complete makeover. We started with a new logo, as she was changing the name. This new type-based logo had a more professional look meant to evoke a corner deli. I kept it simple so as to make sure it would fit seamlessly on all product labels. 
As for the labels, rather than creating something new for each flavor, I designed a template where all that would change was the name and color palette. This cohesion allowed the containers to create a "billboard effect" on store shelves, where labels work together to create the feel of one branded image. It also allowed for new flavors to easily fit into the existing label family. 

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